Friday, May 3, 2013

Brotherly Love

These two guys have been having so much more fun together lately.  Sometimes Zev gets a little aggressive about Tahl playing with him the way he wants, RIGHT NOW!  Tahl can get that way too though, but with a little less pushing and pulling. 

Here is a picture of the guys at the park.  Zev was telling us that we were on a "deep dark train" that can fly to the the "tippy top of all the trees."  Tahl is happy to just ring the bell or sit down when Zev says we are about to move fast. 

Here they are having fun in the creek at the zoo.  

This was actually the first time I've ever let them get in. 

Zev ended up dipping his whole head in and having to get out. He just loves water... listening to my instructions, not so much. 

At least these days, he loves his brother too! 

Tahl got a new stroller for his birthday that he loves. 

We went for a walk right before bed yesterday, so please excuse the matching pajamas. 

Zev has been loving peddling, and then lifting his feet up to go down the hill. 

Zev can't wait to get his own big bike for his birthday and stop riding Tahl's new tricycle.  Tahl can't wait to figure out how to peddle.  He's trying, but he's not quite there yet. 

 Yesterday the two boys were walking around the house wearing the same necklace.  Zev was telling me that they were married now. 

They were so excited that I had to just grab my phone for a picture, so excuse the fuzziness. 

They did break the necklace not long after this picture. Oh well.  Tahl also tells me he is getting married any time he puts on a necklace now, so I'm not quite sure he understood. 

Today after we dropped Zev off at school, and Tahl and I were running errands, he said, "I miss Z Z really bad mommy. I want Zevi to play with me every day." Even with the fights that still happen, Ari and I are so glad it is now a love/hate relationship rather than the Zev ignores Tahl relationship of years past.  I hope these guys are best friends! 

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