Friday, September 27, 2013

Children's Garden

After the guys changed clothes we went to play in the new children's garden at the arboretum.  I liked it so much last time that I renewed our membership, so we will be there lots.

As soon as we got there we went in this little maze. I heard another little boy call Tahl's name and realized it was one of the kids in his class. 

T really liked this turtle in the egg. 

They were sad that I didn't bring swim stuff.  Maybe next time. 

Z went off to climb on the giant acorn. 

Tahl found a giant wooden ant. 

What Tahl really loved most was this flower puzzle.  

Zev found his favorite spot, the sand box. 

Tahl was busy raking and sweeping the sand back into the sand box. 

They have a really cute little house too. 

Today we got to look in this amazing kaleidoscope.  Both boys really loved it.

This is an example of what it looks like inside. 

The guys were helping each other turn the dials. 

Next we went to the energy section.

They had one of those wind machines that simulates hurricane level winds. 

The boys LOVED it. 

This picture of Zev makes me happy.  He was having a really good time in there. 

Tahl was yelling, "Run for your life!" He picked that one up from Z.

Look at all that crazy hair. 

Of course, Zev needed to climb the nets in the big tree house again. 

He and Tahl said this was this their monkey house, and I think they might have been right. 
We had lots of fun in the new garden, and the boys and I can't wait to take Ari. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pumpkin Pictures

We went to the arboretum today with Mimi.  Z was really excited to see all the giant pumpkins. 

He tried really hard to look at the camera. (Maybe because I was bribing him with marshmallows... number one mom right here!) 

This guy is a pretty big fan of marshmallows too. 

We spent a long time taking pictures, and we got mostly a collection of one guy smiling and one not, or some really serious fake smiles. these... 

I swear Zevi is looking older every time I take a picture of him.

Everywhere I go people are telling me how much older Tahl seems too.  

Tahl was really not into smiling today. 

Or making angry faces like I told him to.  Zev has the angry face down though. 

...back to terrible faking...

Next we went off to pretend to eat some pumpkins.

They always have the coolest displays to look at. 

And who doesn't love to sit in Cinderella's carriage.

We gave it one last shot for pictures on the bridge. 

I had my mom put a pumpkin on my head, and finally I got some actual smiles. 

Tahl looks much cuter with a real smile! 

I think this might be the best one.

Then they were so tired they had to lay down on the bridge. 

When they got down, they had a little hug which I took some pictures of, of course. 

I just want to look at those two little faces forever. 

I asked my mom to take a picture of the three of us.  This was Zev's inital face. 

Followed by this one...

I had to resort to tickles.

It was worth it because I love this one.

After I thought we were finished, Zev asked to take a few more because he wanted more marshmallows.

Then I changed the boys' clothes because it was starting to get hot, and we had a plan to go play in the new children's garden. I'll try to get those pictures up tomorrow.