Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Another week

Last week we went with friends to a new ice cream place.  As always, Tahl very visibly enjoyed it.  He got chocolate peanut butter and found a new favorite. 

The next morning Tahl and I had some chalk time outside. 

He requested that I make minions. 

Tahl helped me me a "crazy purple minion." 

Later we went to my mom's garage sale, and she got this little house out of one of her closets.  It was mine when I was little.  The boys have had fun playing with it. 
Tahl told me a story this day. It went like this: "Upon a time a mouse took me to a pool, and I swimmed in that pool."  That was the end of the story.  He is too funny. 

Here is Mr. T as a puppy.  He thought about being this for Halloween, but he decided he wanted to be a minion instead. 

Zev came to me one day and said "Look! I'm daddy."  I asked him why, and he explained that he had a shirt for daddy's team and a marker behind his ear.  He really has Ari down. 

I'm not sure why Zev chose to write it on this paper, but this says "Guro."  He believed it said "girl."  When he told me about it, I said, "Oh! girL!" He said, "Oh man, that should be an L."  Speech is helping him, but he still hears some confusing sounds. I can't quite repeat it, but when he says "girl" it does sound like there is an "o" on the end.  Overall, I was pretty impressed though.

The other day I was in my room doing something for five minutes.  When I came out, Zev had drawn on Tahl's face.  I didn't notice this at first actually because he had also mixed up some "spice water" for Tahl (a cup of salt and pepper water), and he had Tahl convinced that he should drink it.  After stopping that mess, I notice this sweet face. Needless to say, Zev is (again) grounded from markers. 

This is Zev at gymnastics. He loves it. He has already said how much more he likes it than soccer. 

He is a little fidgety between turns, but he really tries hard when it is his turn. 

This last one is just a cute picture of the boys laying next to each other to watch TV. 
Today Zev told me he doesn't want to be a grown up until Tahl is a grown up too.  They are going to get married, and they will just buy a baby at a store. 

I do worry a little about Zev's kids. He tells me all the time how he is going to parent them. "When I'm a daddy I'll give my kids FIVE desserts. When I'm a daddy my kids will never have consequences. When I grow up to be a daddy, my kids will never go to time out."  Hopefully Tahl will be the disciplinarian. 

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