Friday, July 27, 2018

Perot Museum

The boys have been begging me to go back to the Perot Museum.  Besides Zev who went there for his "pre-baby date" they haven't been in a long time.  

Here they are playing with Maya while I ate my breakfast before we left. 

They had so much fun with the robotics, engineering, and programming area. 

Isaac loves to build with magformers even at the museum. 

Racecars are fun too. 

Zev built another earthquake proof structure. 

Tahl saw what he would look like as a neanderthal. 

We also got to see portraits of Tahl and I built out of these wooden block pieces.  Can you tell which is which? 

Tahl and Isaac were so excited to see this new exhibit with a real brain! 

I tried to get a good picture of all four kids, but this was the best I could do. Maya will be forced to love science eventually, so we might as well get a really young picture of her with the dinosaur skeletons right?

They have this new area the boys love where you get to dance and the dinosaurs on the screen copy your dance moves! 

Isaac had so much fun in the sandbox digging for dinosaur bones. 

Poor Maya had fun waiting around for everyone else to be done. 

The kids had a great time.  I can't lie, I was also proud of myself for my first trip to a big museum with all four kids.  


Here are some sweet pictures of miss Maya.  Ignore the droll in the first one. : ) 

Sometimes she is just too sleepy to burp. 

Or stay awake for play time.  (She is up sometimes, I swear, I'm just too busy making faces at her then to take her picture.) 

I tried really hard to get a smile this day. 

This one ism favorite, and it shows that sometimes she thinks we are funny. 

Everyone loves this girl. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

stay at home fun

We are home for the last two weeks of July with no camps and having lots of fun!  

The boys call this "Super MyMy!"

Maya had a lovely time at Kid Mania. 

The boys had lots more fun. 

I mean lots. 

We had time for snuggles later though. 

Saturday, July 21, 2018


We went to Utah to stay at Karen and Gregg's house.  The kids were so excited to see their cousins, and Ari and I were so excited for everyone to meet Maya. 

Here is M with Jaren! 

We had so much fun at the pool slide as always. 

Isaac rode down with Jaren and Tahl. 

Karen and Gregg have a membership at a place with this new amazing beach entry pool and lake with  stand up paddle boarding and kayaking. 

Zev and Tahl both loved stand up paddle boarding.  All three guys loved the kayaking, but Isaac had to ride with Ari or I. Here is Z paddle boarding. 

One fun day, Tahl was matching his little cousin Gabriel. 

Gabriel thought we got the swing back out for him.  

Isaac had the best time with his cousins. 

Maya thought it was pretty fun too. 

We took all the kids to the movies. 

Here they are at dinner during bowling. 

We even had a birthday cake for Ava. 

On our last morning we had a double wedding for Tahl and Ellie and Isaac and Liv.  Here Isaac is the ring bearer (with rubber bands) for Tahl's wedding. 

Here they are up front waiting. 

Liv was their flower girl. 

so much spirit... 

They were a little too old and nervous to kiss. 

Now time for another wedding! 

Isaac was a very exited groom! 

Liv wasn't shy either. 

Jaren was the world's best flower girl! 

This wedding was not shy about the kissing. 

Plus more... 

... and more... 

...kissing! So cute. 

Here is Tahl hugging Ellie goodbye. 

Isaac got lots of hugs. 

Ellie wasn't feeling it, but Isaac had to hug her anyway. 

Since we got home, he won't stop talking about how he misses Liv!  I am so happy the kids will get to see all of their cousins again (including NOAH!) in September, October (for Noah's bar mitzvah!), and November. These boys love their cousins more than anything.