Thursday, August 31, 2017

Isaac's first week of school!

Isaac has been asking all week when his first day of school would be. He was so excited that it was finally his turn. I tried to get one picture of all three boys, and this was the best I could do. 

Here is Isaac with his first day sign.  He is 3, 33 pounds, and 37 inches. He loves to swim and play outside.  His favorite color is green, his teachers are Chani (who Tahl had in Pre-K) and Wendy. He wants to be CAPTAIN BARNACLES when he grows up.  His favorite book right now "every book in my room!" Isaac loves to hear stories, especially his favorites, over and over. 

Here we are at his school on the first day. He wasn't sure about taking a picture with me instead of going in, but he was flexible. 

Isaac had another big first this week too. 

He had his first soccer practice, and he really loved it. Hopefully he will like the games just as much. 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

First week of school

The boys and I were nervous and excited for school to start again.  Here is Tahl with his first day sign.  He is 6, 45 pounds, and 48 inches. He loves to read and play games and Pokemon.  His favorite color is pink, his teacher is Mrs. Pate, and he still wants to be a zoo keeper when he grows up.  His favorite book series right now is Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing along with Super Fudge and Double Fudge.  Ari and I are pretty tired of listening to his "Fudgie" impersonation, but he sure isn't tired of doing it. 

Here is Zev and his goofy face with his first day of school book. 

Tahl got "Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing."

Isaac got "Martha Speaks."

Here is Zev with his first day sign.  He is 8, 53 pounds, and 50.5 inches. He loves to collect Legos and Pokemon.  His favorite color is gold, his teacher is Mrs. Hall, and he still wants to be a rocket ship designer when he grows up.  His favorite book series right now is 13 Story Tree House series.  These boys love to read. 

This year due to a remodel at our school, both boys are in the same building again. 

Look at this happy boy at his desk on the first day.  I think it really helped that he had already seen the room, and he knew he had the teacher Zev loved from last year. 

Here is Zevi on the first day. I didn't get to follow him into his room.  How can he be a third grader already? 

Isaac and I spent brother's first day of school visiting the ducks and turtles at the mall.  He couldn't wait to start his own school. 

Friday, August 18, 2017

Last week of summer

We have been busy having fun for our last week of summer.  The boys and I went to Safari Run Monday with Emily and her boys.  Tuesday we went with another family to the trampoline park.  I was careful not to jump after my last trampoline park injury!  Wednesday we spent the morning in the pool. 

My mom recently moved to a new apartment, and she gave us all of the toys and floats from her pool at her house.  The boys were so excited to play with all the new things. 

After the pool, Isaac and I took a bubble tub while the big boys were in the backyard. 

We had a very good time making bubble hats and bubble soup. 

Isaac took a good nap, and when I went in to check on him, I realized he was wearing a hat! He's a silly guy.  He told me later that it was his Octonauts hat. 

Speaking of silly guys, apparently Tahl and Isaac were pretending to be women in this game... 

That face is just the best. 

Ari bought Zev a bunch of tools, and they went searching through our neighbors bulk trash for old wooden things Zev take apart and make into new creations. 

Thursday we went to the zoo. It had been raining early in the morning, and the zoo was amazingly empty. 

These guys had a fun morning. 

We love that our zoo currently has a baby lion and a baby elephant! 

Zev pushed the stroller to give me a break. 

Here he is lifting Isaac up for a picture opportunity. Zev was a great brother the whole morning. 

We tried to get a family selfie in the bubble with a mongoose in the back. 

After it was a rainy cool morning, it started to heat up.  I forgot the change of clothes for the river, but Isaac didn't mind. 

We rode the carousel before we left just like usual, except Isaac is so big now I didn't have to stand next to him, so I got to ride the nest.  

These boys sure do spin fast. 

The picture reminded me of my original facebook profile picture on the teacups at Disney World, except now I have a side kick! 

After our day at the zoo, we went home to relax, play games, and clean up before meet the teacher. We are so excited that Tahl has Zev's teacher from last year, Mrs. Pate.  She moved down to the first grade, and I could not be more excited about it. 

Here is Zev with his new teacher, Mrs. Hall.  It's not his cutest face, so I will have to get another one on the first day of school. He is excited about a new year and he has two friends in his class. 

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Six Flags

Ari and I took the boys to Six Flags to use their summer reading passes this weekend. They were so excited to try out all the big kid rides. 

Ari was much less excited. 

Ari got lots of pictures of Tahl and I on the spinning roller coaster. 

Zev loves to spin and going upside down is no problem for him, but he doesn't really love roller coasters that much.

Tahl loves every ride that was ever invented.  He loved the Texas Giant and even the Titan that went 85 miles an hour and had a 255 foot drop. I found my perfect ride partner! 

We had such a fun day (despite some rain,) and the boys are already asking when we can go back again! 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

San Francisco

Ari's sister Rachel had her fourth baby, and we went to San Francisco to celebrate. The boys were very excited to get another boy cousin! The party was so much fun.  They had the most amazing face painter. 

Zev was very pleased with his robot face. 

Isaac asked for a green butterfly. 

Here are the boys with two of their cousins, Ellie and Ava. 

The boys loved swimming with their cousins at Buby and Buster's house too. 

Tahl and Isaac had a lot of fun dressing up with the girls. 

Zev loved driving the toy Tesla that his cousins have. 

We went to the movie at the mall, and of course, everyone had to drive some cars on the way in to our show. 

On our last full day there, after an unfortunate incident where we couldn't ride the ferry, I took the four biggest kids to the Berkley Adventure Park. 

It has lots of kid designed forts. 

Ava very kindly told me that it looked like we were at a "yard sale." 

They let the kids use tools to build their own designs. Zev made this gun himself. 

The other kids did less building and had more time to take advantage of the nets, zip lines, and other cool stuff. 

Then we got adventurous and decided to paint. 

Ava and Tahl had fun mixing colors. 

Tahl really wanted to saw something. 

These two girls were excited to try out hammering. 

Ellie was so proud of her work. 

Ava was too.  We worked together to hammer that flag, then she painted it pink and we put it on one of the forts. 

They also really loved playing in this old boat. 

The cousins had a great time playing together on our trip. 

Zev was a little nervous he would be caught sitting in the front seat of our rental car. 

Here they are celebrating Tahl and Ellie's wedding. 

Isaac had fun at a museum with his Buster, Grandma Mimi, and Liv while we were at the park.  Then they went back home to swim. 

Isaac lived it up so much that he fell asleep on the plane on the way home.  Then he woke up extremely grumpy. 

We had a great time in San Francisco and we can't wait to go see our family again.