We had a lot of fun while Ari was out of town (though we did really miss him!)
Here are the guys on a nature walk. Tahl declared it story time, so they sat down to tell a story. Tahl's story was about how there was a frog in a tree. The end. Then Zev told a story about his new bike.
Here is Zev as a moose.
Moose close up!
Tahl was pulling a wagon collecting leaves, twigs, and flowers.
Here is the art Tahl and I made together with our collection.
Zev's art
I found these guys up here playing train.
We also made cupcake art.
Zev drew and cut this out on his own.
Tahl and I worked on this together.
Zev is getting better and better at riding his new bike.
On Friday we went to the zoo with Mimi, Kade, and Melody. Here are the guys on the crocodile statue.
I wonder who the clown is?
This bird came right up to Kade and was trying to get his attention.
Zev and I made grape statues during Tahl's nap.
We made a house...
And Zev's favorite, a jail for other grapes!
Here is "Super Why" riding his bike!
Is this the cutest thing ever or what?
This guy is pretty cute too!
Here I am with my friends on Saturday night. It was a Great Gatsby party. I definitely dressed up the least.
I had lots of fun, but I was sad I missed the chance to force Ari to dress up.
The other big even of the weekend was POTTY TRAINING!
Tahl has only gone in this potty once, but he did sit on it all morning.
Here are the guys watching TV while trying to get Tahl to use the bathroom.
Tahl chased Mimi out of the house while naked. I, of course, stopped to take a picture.
We took a potty training break to go to a soccer clinic for Zev.
Zev had a great time, and he did really well. Hopefully he will think it is just as fun when it is a real game with only one ball.
Here is a paper Zev made for Tahl to celebrate him using the potty. It says "Zev, TO: Tahl" (He forgot the A, but oh well.) I didn't tell him how to spell any of it, so I was pretty proud of him.
Today on Monday we did a naked day for Tahl all day.
naked puzzles
This is a little video of Zev singing the potty song he sings for Tahl after he goes to the potty.
Tahl goes almost every time we take him. I've just been taking him every 30 minutes. He only had one accident for each of the last two days, but today's was really bad... Hopefully we will be able to venture out soon and move from 30 minutes to 45. Think positive thoughts for us!