Monday, February 1, 2016

Warm January

We've had a warm last week of January, and we have been enjoying it to the fullest.

Here is Mr. Isaac having fun at the park. 

I went to a super fun Justin Timberlake sing along with some friends!  

 We went to the zoo to the enjoy the awesome weather and see the cool new lego exhibit. 

My two little ants. 

Lego turtle

Lego peacock

Zev and I with the (finally) awake koala.  We were so excited to see him up and eating leaves. 

Zevi had fun on the elephant statues as usual.

Here is Isaac looking super cute out on a walk. 

Tahl is very into Star Wars right now.  He loves Yoda most this week, so he had to take his green light saber on our walk. 

It is supposed to be warm for a few more days, so I know we will try to be outside enjoying it as much as possible. 

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