Friday, November 13, 2015

17 months!

A day in the life of a Isaac.

5:30 - Wake up. Try to make sure everyone else gets up too.

6:30 - Your mom finally comes to get you with a big cup of milk.  Try to get in the tub with your brother and get mad when no one will help you.

Play with your other brother and give him hugs.

7:30 - Eat a fried egg and yogurt for breakfast.  Refuse to let anyone help you eat and smear yogurt all over your entire face, body, cup, and high chair.

8:30 - Get ready for the day

9:30 - Go to mommy and me.  Refuse to take part in any activities where everyone sits down.  Have lots of fun in the gym and singing.

10:30 - Go home to eat a PBJ and cuties.  Try to go on a stroller ride, but fall asleep because you are too tired from waking up so early.

11:30 - SLEEP

12:30 - SLEEP

1:30 - SLEEP

2:30 - Go to pick up your brothers.  Complain a lot because everyone knows carpool is horrible.

3:30- Take Zev to therapy.  Finally go on a stroller ride while you are waiting for him.

4:30 - Go home from therapy and make a big mess all over the house while mom cooks dinner.

5:30 - Refuse to eat the dinner mom cooked because it is not a carb, fruit, or dairy product.

6: 30 - Bed time. Read lots of books to practice your animal sounds.

Repeat something similar tomorrow.

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