Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

We went to Tyler for Easter again this year, and the Easter bunny came to visit these guys again.

Here is Zev looking like Ari and eating chocolate.

Tahl was so excited that the Easter bunny brought him this Geo doll!  He's been carrying him around for two days now. 

Zev got Bot!

Tahl is working on eating one piece of candy at a time. 

He makes a bit of a mess. 

Here is Zev hanging out with Uncle Scott on the blow up mattress. 

Here are the guys eating the delicious lunch Stacy and my Grandma made.  They got to sit with Madi and Julie. Tahl loves creamed corn, rolls, and macaroni.  Zev loves ham, macaroni, and rolls. 

This is the loot when it was all mixed up.  These guys got FOUR total Easter baskets. We will have some candy for a while. 

 I think the best presents these guys got were bunnies from GG and Grandpa.  They are so soft, and each one was personalized with their names on the ear. They love them.  I think I convinced Tahl to name his Fluffy Bunny.  He was named "Flooby, not Scooby, and Rufio" before I hopefully changed his mind.  Zev had Peter Rabbit, but he changed it to Robot Rabbit.

I think Tahl makes the cutest rabbit. 

Zev spent some time coloring with Aunt Julie.

Tahl was coloring with Uncle Scott. 

This is Tahl telling us all about the lion that is up high on the ceiling.   

Next we had about 7 egg hunts. 

Zev is definitely faster, but he did try to let Tahl get a few. 

Zev searched for eggs a few times, and then he hid them for other people to find. 

Tahl was hunting with Aunt Lisa. 

Aunt Madi and Gram were helping too. 

Tahl got this cute basket from GG too. 

The guys had such a fun day.  They got way too much candy, lots of presents, and tons of yummy food. Best of all, they got to spend lots of time with special grandparents, aunts, and uncles.  They are so lucky. 

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