Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Zev's Birthday Interview

Here is Zev;s birthday interview!  He answered all the questions in line for rides at Six Flags this year.  I love asking these questions every year to see what is the same and what has changed. 

1. What is your favorite color? Black and neon greenish/neon blueish 

2. What is your favorite toy? The Nintendo Switch 

3. What is your favorite fruit? Kiwis, oranges, peaches, plums, or cherries 

4. What is your favorite TV show? Zoids 

5. What is your favorite movie? I don’t have a favorite movie. 

6. What is your favorite clothing? Black and navy dri-fit 

7. What is your favorite game? Minecraft or Animal Crossing for video games... Dragonwood for board games 

8. What is your favorite animal? Zebra or dragon 

9. What is your favorite song? Hey Jude, Blackbird, Thriller, Shed a Little Light, or maybe some others 

10. What is your favorite book? Keepers of the Lost Cities, Harry Potter or Ready Player One

11. Who is your best friend? Hill

12. What is your favorite breakfast food? Waffles or donuts

13. What is your favorite snack? Pita crackers 

14. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Snack plate 

15. What is your favorite thing to eat for dessert? Banana split 

16. What is your favorite drink? Sprite or root beer 

17. What food do you not like? Brussel sprouts, squash, and eggplant 

18. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Steak, butter noodles and shrimp

19. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Bike with Hill

20. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas and Hanukkah 

21. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? My Harry Potter blanket 

22. What do you want to be when you grow up? rocket scientist, astronaut, scientist, mechanic, chemist, inventor, or video game designer...

23.  Who are you going to marry when you grow up? I don’t know. 

24. Where is your favorite place to go around town? Six Flags 

25. What is your favorite thing to learn about in school? Science 

26. What is a time you were brave this year?  Behaving while Tahl was in huge trouble in the same room as me

27. What is a time you were kind this year? When I watched Tahl play the switch to make him happy. 

28. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Skiing somewhere 

29. If you could have any wish, what would it be? Infinite wishes or WiFi everywhere with zero lag

30. What are you most looking forward to about being 12? Sleep away camp 

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