Monday, July 29, 2013

Zev goes to San Francisco

Zev went to San Francisco for a week to visit with his grandparents and his cousins. He had so much fun. We are so lucky that Karen and Gregg (and Rachel) go out of their way to spend time with him and let these great cousins be together. 

Here they are touring the jelly bean factory. 

and touring the sticker factory...

 and last hanging out by the pool and eating some of the jelly beans from the factory.

Tahl and I were at home just living our regular life.  He has decided to eat his pizza top down.  He eats the cheese off, then licks the sauce, and then eats the bread.  Every dinner he eats takes a LONG time. 

We did a little swimming. 


I flew into San Francisco to get Zev on Friday, but I spent the weekend before we flew home.  Zev and I got to go Ava and Ellie's birthday party.  Rachel did an amazing job.  Here is Zev admiring the dessert table. 

I got to spend lots of time playing with Harper. 

She is so smart and funny.  It was too bad that Tahl didn't get to come and play with her.

I also got some time with Ellie.

As his gift Oren brought face painting supplies to paint faces at the party.  This is one of his awesome creations on a friend of Ava's. 

Zev did not pick a shark... He has a sparkly purple and blue sun with jewels. 

Next he ended up with a heart with a crown on the top on the other cheek. 

Later, Jaren got a princess crown.  Zev asked for one too, and Oren tried to make it a little more manly. 

After the picture I took, he took a bunch of "selfies." 

He was really happy with his face painting. 

Zev also got his finger nails and toe nails painted.  They were a blue green with sparkles.  He was so proud. Every time he got in the pool after they were painted, he was trying to swim with his fingers out of the pool so he wouldn't mess them up. 

Here is Zev with Oren and Noah, two of his favorite guys.  Zev told me that he loves Oren, Goofy, and fire works, so that is a pretty high list. 

Here he is hugging Buby goodbye.  He did not want to leave and go home. 

Big hugs for Jaren...  Jaren is still the sweetest kid I have ever met.  She is so great to Zev, and he could not love her more. 
Zev had the BEST time.  He is still talking about this trip every day. He is a lucky guy. 

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