Tuesday, November 1, 2016


We had a great Halloween!  Here is Zev helping me empty out two pumpkins that the boys carved with their dad at Cub Scouts and Adventure Guides.

I went to a party on Friday night dressed as Mary Poppins. 

Here I am in full pose. 

Here is Isaac dressed up as Dobby.  My dad got him thinking about matching his brothers, and Zev pushed him over the edge by getting him to watch Dobby in the second movie. 

We had Isaac practice trick or treating. He thought it was pretty fun, and the candy was even better.

Ari made the guys pumpkin shaped pancakes for breakfast on the 30th because he's a super dad.

Here is Zev trying on his costume to make sure it worked out right.  He has been so excited to be Harry Potter.

On the 30th we dressed up for a party with my mom's group.  We have Zev as Harry Potter, me as Hermoine, Tahl as Hedwig, and Isaac as Dobby the house elf. 

Its a good thing we got these pictures the day before Halloween because they were too excited to stand still on the actual night. 

Here is Tahl on the morning of Halloween carving another pumpkin with his dad at school.

Here are the guys ready to go trick or treating.

This guy just wants more candy! 

He really loved going to each door, but he did not like being left behind by his brothers.

Zevi went to more houses than his little brothers, and he got a LOT of candy. 

The guys are already making plans about what to wear next year!  As of right now, they are planning for us to be some kind of Pokemon family.  I think we will have a long year of Halloween discussions ahead of us. 

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