Friday, July 5, 2013

the past two weeks

Last week, Zev had his first soccer game! He did so great! He had a few behavior issues, but he kept up with everyone, and he tried really hard. 

Here he is playing.

 Tahl went to a tea party play date last week.

He had a great time.  He was sure the tea was soup though to be eaten with a spoon. 


Last weekend I took Z to the movies to see Monster's University. The flash did not work out. 

He did not exactly sit still, but he didn't get up and run around the theater like last year either. 

On Sunday, I asked Zev what he wanted for breakfast, and he asked for a "fruit face."

Here is Tahl on Monday playing with Gia. 

They were walking all over holding hands.  When I told Tahl we were going to play with Mikey and Anthony (Gia's brothers,) he said, "No. I like Gia." He also asked me at least ten times at the pool the day before where she was whenever he couldn't see her. 

 Here he is following Gia on the play ground. 

 Zev and Tahl both wore their shirts like this for dinner. They told me they were both a chef. 

Here is T at that birthday party the previous Sunday. The guys had a great time swimming and eating cupcakes. 

On Tuesday, I went into Zev's room and saw this.  They were "driving a car."  Tahl is trying to hide so I don't realize he has a paci. 

He pulled it out to say cheese for the camera. 

 Last, today Zev made art for Noah, Jaren, and Harper that we haven't had a chance to mail yet.  We sounded out these words together. 

Then he drew them this picture on the back. He made me write about it. It says, "This is a big alien. It has crosses around his legs, and his nose is on top of his honker. He has toes painted with toe nail polish. He has lots of fingers, and his hands are painted with toe nail polish too. He has too many fingers. One hand is as big as a giant mommy and daddy hand." 
I'll try to get more pictures this week! 

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