Wednesday, July 31, 2013

More funny things kids say...

Here is Zev singing a song from the newest Muppet movie.

Tahl decided to try it too. This cracks me up.

Zev was mad at me because I couldn't remember a fake phone number he made up for himself over a month ago, and he said to me while crying: You said you were a fast learner! 

I walked into Tahl's room, and he wasn't asleep yet.
Me: Tahl, you need to take a nap.
Tahl: I can't. All my babies have ice cream cones! Don't you see?

Tahl - I'll be right back. I'm going on a date with this puppy.

Tahl (completely randomly...): Zev, do your dragons have cheese like my dragon?
Zev: Yeah.
Tahl: Do they have crackers?

Zev: That car could only shrink if a giant stepped on it.
Me: I hope that doesn't happen or the giant might smush our house.  That would be bad.
Zev: Or he might poop a giant poop that would crush the whole city!

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