Monday, May 3, 2021

Maya's birthday Interview


Maya is finally big enough for her first birthday interview!  It was so much fun to hear her answers.

1. What is your favorite color? Purple 

2. What is your favorite toy? I like trains. They go on a train track. 

3. What is your favorite fruit? I like apples. 

4. What is your favorite TV show? Coco melon

5. What is your favorite movie? I like Raya. 

6. What is your favorite outfit? (She just pointed to the dress she was wearing.)

7. What is your favorite game? I like the Apple game. 

8. What is your favorite animal?  I like fish. 

9. What is your favorite song? The wheels on the bus song. 

10. What is your favorite book? I like Team Umizoomi books. 

11. Who is your best friend? Gabe

12. What is your favorite breakfast food? Pop egg 

13. What is your favorite snack?  Tortillas. (Weird answer. I would say peppers, cucumbers, goldfish, craisins, crackers, etc.)

14. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? I like carrots. 

15. What is your favorite thing to eat for dessert? Cookies. 

16. What is your favorite drink? Water

17. What food do you not like? Raw onions (Answered by mom)

18. What do you want for dinner on  your birthday? Brussels sprouts and sweet potato and steak and mushrooms

19. What is your favorite thing to do outside? I like to do trucks outside. 

20. What is your favorite holiday? (She did not understand the concept of holidays. After I try to explain, she picked Hanukkah.)

21. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Fuzzy

22. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be Geo (from Team Unizoomi.) 

23.  Who are you going to marry when you grow up? Maya. I’m going to marry me. 

24. Where is your favorite place to go around town? I like cookie town. (when she was offered choices she said ”I like to go to the park.”)

25. What is a time you were kind this year? I like to be nice to Daddy. 

26. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?  I want to go to Disney World. 

27. If you could have any wish, what would it be? I like fireworks. 

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