Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Labor Day Weekend

Over Labor Day weekend we drove ten and a half hours to get to Nashville for Ari's cousin's wedding. The boys had so much fun playing with their cousins. 

Ava spent lots of time teaching Tahl to dance.  Here they are showing off their moves at the wedding. 

Zachary loved Maya so much.  He spent lots of time holding and playing with her. 

Here is a picture of Zev wrapped up in his blanket.  I actually couldn't find him for a few minutes. 

We drove from Nashville to Hot Springs on the way back to break up the drive.  

We had lots of fun exploring the little downtown area, learning about the history, and hiking in the National Park. 

Isaac was crying and refusing to walk just seconds before this picture because his leg hurt too much from a mosquito bite. 

Zev wanted a picture of just the two of us. Who could say no to that? 

Here we are when we reached "Goat Rock."  Zev swore he had never seen a better view. 

 Here is Ari at the top with the guys. 

 We tried to do a timer.  This was our best attempt. 

 Maya enjoyed the walk up. She likes to ride in the carrier. 

How cute are these two? 

And these two? 

I really love this guy. 

 After the hike, we walked on the "promenade" and made our way downtown to a candy and soda store. 

The guys each picked out a candy they had never tried before. 

It was a fun trip, and we can't wait to see all of the Lunds (and extended family) again in October at Noah's Bar Mitzvah! 

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