Friday, July 1, 2016

End of June

I know this picture is boring, but Isaac kept talking about how the car (which squeezed out a play doh road to steam roll over) was pooping.  I couldn't stop giggling about it, so I took a picture so that I wouldn't forget. 

Here is Dixie (at the breeder's house) with all EIGHT of her puppies.  The boys really miss her. 

We went to another birthday party at the same place where Zev and Tahl had their party.  I took these pictures of them coming down on the big slide.  They had so much fun. 

Zev took this picture of Isaac and I riding on a noodle.  Isaac has named the noodle "Petie," and it is his horse.  He loves to yell neigh and tell me to splash while we play on it. 

Here is Isaac at a play date eating a donut.  Love that cute face. 

Zev insisted that I take a picture of the tower he made of yogurt containers that we have collected to take to the splash park. 

Last week when Tahl had to stay home from camp, we went to feed the ducks.  They were resting in the shade, and they let us get very close to them. 

Tahl and Isaac were sharing Isaac's car. 

Tahl said he was the dad, and Isaac was his little boy. 

I took another picture to show how confident Isaac is now.  He is happy to just swim off in the pool on his own all the time now in his float. 

Here he insisted on wearing goggles like the big boys. 

Here is a new video of Tahl swimming across the deep end! He is really going to be a great swimmer by the end of the summer! 

Zev wanted a video of him swimming across the entire pool.

We love hanging out and swimming in our backyard. 

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