Happy Halloween!
Does this remind you of anyone? (Here is Zev, five years ago...)
We went trick or treating for the first time ever in our own neighborhood. We tried to get a better picture of all three boys, but it just ended up worse. Poor Isaac was not so happy about having his picture made.
Zev was really excited about having his nose painted.
He also insisted that he needed a mustache.
The big bad wolf was too excited to stand still.
Zev told everyone we met that he was a big bad wolf, and Tahl kept telling them that he was one of the three little piggies! Then he would tell them about kitty cat.
This was my favorite one.
Zev had a hard time waiting for the rest of us.
Tahl insisted that "kitty cat was nervous about Halloween and need him to hug her." He has been telling me that she was coming trick or treating for a week or two.
Just a wolf at rest.
It was really nice to already be home and eating candy at 7:15.
Each boy got to pick out a few pieces. They were so excited.
(Ari and I might have had a few pieces too...)
I'm already imagining next year with three boys to chase after. I can't wait!