Monday, March 3, 2014

Random pictures...

Here are some random pictures from the past few weeks around the house. Here is Zev in one of his few and far between naps. 

Every morning I go in to get the boys out of bed, and they are always playing together. Here Zev is hiding because he is a zombie. 


Do you think they put enough stuffed animals in with them? 

Tahl hasn't been napping very well lately. He stays awake probably more than 50% of the time now.  I took a picture of him during one nap to show Ari that I finally got one! 

I swear Tahl wears other pjs, but here he is again in his Buzz Lightyear pjs. I asked him to say "cheese." 

An actual smile! 

Here, I swear, he is just saying cheese.  I promise I'm not taking a picture while he is mad. Ha. 

I ended up putting them all together to post on facebook.  The many faces of Mr. T saying "cheese." 

Today we had a snow day. The boys and I played magformers and lots of board games.  Then during Tahl's nap I told Zev I was going to clean the bathrooms while he worked on his art.  He insisted that he wanted to clean the bathrooms too. Here he is scrubbing the tub.

He asked if I would pay him a "penny for each potty and tub" he cleaned.  

Here he is earning another penny for vacuuming around the table. 

We let Tahl (who never napped, of course) out of bed just in time to help with the last toilet.  

When we finished cleaning, we made brownies, watched a movie, and played another board game. 
Zev also wanted to dress up as Ari. 

Tahl just wanted to pose for the camera, but he got photo bombed. 

Another mean face... 

And finally some smiles! 

We had a fun snow day, but I hope the guys get back to school tomorrow because Zev has a kindergarten enrollment event at Brentfield.  Keep your fingers crossed that he behaves! 

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