Monday, February 24, 2014


Tahl loves to read! Even at school. 

Look at that cutie.

If you notice in this tiny picture, he has the same shoes as his classmate.  He told me a very long story today about how he accidentally put on his friend's shoes, but they were too small! I am getting a lot more details about his days away now including recapping the books they read in class. 

Here he is painting with his friends. 

Zev had an hour long yoga session this week! 

He really loved it. 

 He was teaching me child's pose. 

The teacher gave him a bendable figurine that he was really excited about. 

She also gave him a little smiley face ring to remind him to smile all the time. 

He also showed me several times how to do "down dog." 

That was definitely his favorite. 

Here they are with their teacher (who is actually a good friend of his teacher.) I think I see more yoga in his future. 

Outside in the "woods" playground. 

Zev's class went out to climb trees again. 

This is definitely one of his favorite things they do.  I wish we had better trees in our yard for climbing at home. 

They also did some playing in the leaves! 

Throwing leaves at a friend! 

And carrying them where?? 

Sliding in the leaves? 

 Sounds even more fun with a friend! 

What a fun day! 

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