In the last few weeks, we went public on face book with this picture of our new little guy!
My cousin Colton got married, and I went to his rehearsal dinner. This is me with my grandma!
The boys went to the wedding the next day, and they are now convinced that weddings are the most amazing thing ever due to punch, cake, and the tons of other desserts they were given. We got a picture of the entire family (minus Ari who was home with the flu...)
Z really liked the snow we threw on them when they were leaving. Here he is dumping extras on his own head.
Tahl has been continuing to wear this "new years hat" for weeks. It is his tiara, and when he wears it he can be either "Princess Elsa or Princess Anna" from Frozen.
He's not always a sweet princess. He may be shooting ice though.
Just another day in his tiara. He wore it to school, and someone wished him a happy birthday, so I had to tell them the truth. Ha.
This crazy thing got himself stuck inside of a baby bathtub in Tahl's closet. I tried not to laugh while I helped him out, but I did not succeed.
Zev is very proud of the sculpture he made this week.
He was also very proud of his new haircut and the spikes he talked the hair stylist into making. (He has candy in his mouth.)
Hopefully I'll do more pictures this next week!
The tiara is too funny!! I love it! Congrats again on #3! So exciting!