Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

Before the Easter egg hunt today, I had the boys pose for a little photo shoot.

They were actually LOOKING!

Tahl did not like something. 

My mom says Zev's fake smile looks just like mine. 

I like Tahl's face here. 

Finally: SUCCESS!! 

Tahl has the chubby baby giggle. 

These boys love each other. 

We went to drop something off at mom's house before the hunt, so I got the guys out of the car to pose for a few more pictures. 

Look at Ari jr. 

This one is pretty good, but Zev still has his fake smile. 

 Now they are laughing at Mimi. 

Another huge success! 
 Poor Zev hurt his face really badly at school the day before all these pictures though. 

We got to the egg hunt, and the first thing Tahl wanted to do was swing. 

A hug before the egg hunt.

They were ready to go! They had been talking about it all week. 

Tahl was a pro. 

He knew just what to do this year. 

He even found a few hidden in sneaky places. 

Zev found 22, and he was a really good sport about putting some back and hiding them for the other kids. 

I'm the only one looking, but at least it is a picture of the three of us. 

Then it was time for snacks and eating the loot. 

I was so proud of these boys.  They hunted well, used their manners, and they shared.  I'm a lucky mom!

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