Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

Before the Easter egg hunt today, I had the boys pose for a little photo shoot.

They were actually LOOKING!

Tahl did not like something. 

My mom says Zev's fake smile looks just like mine. 

I like Tahl's face here. 

Finally: SUCCESS!! 

Tahl has the chubby baby giggle. 

These boys love each other. 

We went to drop something off at mom's house before the hunt, so I got the guys out of the car to pose for a few more pictures. 

Look at Ari jr. 

This one is pretty good, but Zev still has his fake smile. 

 Now they are laughing at Mimi. 

Another huge success! 
 Poor Zev hurt his face really badly at school the day before all these pictures though. 

We got to the egg hunt, and the first thing Tahl wanted to do was swing. 

A hug before the egg hunt.

They were ready to go! They had been talking about it all week. 

Tahl was a pro. 

He knew just what to do this year. 

He even found a few hidden in sneaky places. 

Zev found 22, and he was a really good sport about putting some back and hiding them for the other kids. 

I'm the only one looking, but at least it is a picture of the three of us. 

Then it was time for snacks and eating the loot. 

I was so proud of these boys.  They hunted well, used their manners, and they shared.  I'm a lucky mom!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


We have lots of random pictures from the last week!

Here is Zev having a Passover seder at school. 

playing frogs on the playground

Here he is searching for the afikomen.  He was sad he didn't win. 

This is him asleep one day during nap time.  He fell asleep with a pillow on his head and an oven mitt on his hand. He has been trying harder lately to take naps.  He is successful still only about one day a week (or every two), but he really wants to play computer at night after Tahl goes to bed. 

Sometimes when Ari isn't home, I put Gus on the couch.  He hopped down right after this picture though. 

Here he is taking a nice nap while watching TV with the guys. 

We went to Chipolte (of course!) to celebrate Mimi's birthday.  This was Zev's big pose. 

Tahl has beautiful eyes, but he is a little sleepy here.

This is what "cheese" looks like. 

This is what it looks like when you ask him to actually just smile. (Also known as looking like Ari.)


Tahl was mad I was trying to take he and Gus's picture together at the vet.  Gus is up to 7.8 pounds. 

We were invited to Passover this year at the Comroe's house.  The boys were really good, and we had a nice time.  We still have yet to brave cooking our own seder, so we're always happy to be invited somewhere. 

Here we are playing legos. 

This is how we try to keep the dog from eating all the legos. 

Today we had a quiet morning, so we stayed home and made cereal necklaces.

Zev had to put the "lice" from his plagues bag on his head of course. The two guys looking and smiling is still pretty great though! 

Last, this is a little video of Tahl telling us a secret... "I have a secret... you love me!" I always tell him my secret is that I love him, so he's taken it on as his own. 

Here are just a few other hilarious things said by Tahl this week:
1.  I asked him why his curls were flat on the top of his head.  He told me, "I have a frog on my head."
2. He keeps telling me, "WATCH OUT!  There is a lion!"  Today he went on to tell me it was a brown lion, a nice lion, and how much the lion liked to ride his bike. 
3.  He will be singing the abc's (which always goes ABC...QRS... WXY and Z!)  When I try to tell him the right way, he yells at me, "You no sing! Those my letters!" He does the same thing when Zev and I count with him.  He does request to count things that he sees all the time though.  


When Emily was in town over spring break, we made it to the zoo.  It was crazy busy.  The guys still had lots of fun though. 

Here are Grey and Tahl checking out the cheetah up close. 

Zev and Grey get along really well. Here they are looking at some big fish.

Tahl was LICKING the fish enclosure! Yuck.

Grey running like a crazy man! I love it. 

Here are all three guys checking out the animals together. 

Riding the only horse Tahl will get near

Zev and Grey were taking turns riding on the lamb. 

 Last, we rode the carousel twice.  Zev and Tahl had lots of fun! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

23 months!

I can't believe my baby is 23 months old!  Tahl will be two in one month!  

Here he is painting with Zev.

They were so proud of their work.  

Zev also just had to paint an "O" because Oren starts with O.  

Tahl is cracking us up all the time.  He can count to 10 (skipping 4), and he sings his ABC's.  He repeats his favorite parts over and over though.  He loves to sing songs he makes up. 

Tahl never stops talking.  He is very bossy.  At the park on the swings he told me, "No tickle my body anymore, just push me."  He tells me all the time that "you no love me!"  He takes the kisses he gives me back, but he is also the sweetest kid ever.  He loves to hug me when it is his choice.  He loves babies and Gus, even when Gus scratches him so much he's bleeding...  Today in the car he told me, "You like water? You can have a tiny sip."  After I drank a little he said, "Okay, now you can have a big sip."Tahl LOVES Zev, and he will always do what Zev is doing.

Emily came to town, and in this picture you can see Gus cuddling with Holden, and Tahl trying to give Holden his paci back. 

Zev and Grey had lots of fun together too.  They were yelling animal noises at each other in here (with a few coughs on each other).

Zev has been doing really well lately.  He's been doing well in speech, OT, and play group.  He's been sharing well and being sweet to our new puppy!  He did put a little yogurt on the dog though... 

It's tiring work playing with us all day. 
We can't wait to celebrate Tahl's big day! We love that guy.