Sunday, June 30, 2019

The rest of June...

My mom and I went to see Sir Paul McCartney.

He was amazing, and he played for almost three hours.

One of the things on our summer fun list is to try two new ice cream places! 

This place makes the ice cream right in front of you using liquid nitrogen.  The kids thought it was both cool and delicious.

Maya has learned how to climb up on the furniture, and she is very proud of it.

Here are some pictures of Maya having fun playing on the mall playground.


I started a new way to make my hair curlier.  The whole family has had to listen about it.
Here is before.

Here is after.  I am still working on it.

Here is Miss Maya found up on the couch just reading a book.

Another summer fun goal was to sleep in a fort in the living room.  Here is Isaac in the fort.  I didn't get a picture of all of the boys though.

We went to pick blue berries for our summer fun list too!

The guys really liked picking the berries and being outside.

Tahl only picked the biggest best berries.

Other people were much less choosy.

How cute are these guys?


Maya was practicing her walking with daddy.

She wanted to pick flowers, not berries.

She is definitely the cutest little girl in the whole world. 

Emily, Alison, and I went to see a fun 90s cover band.

That same weekend for our summer fun list, we rode the trolley and went to play in Klyde Warren park downtown.

We had lots of fun until I messed up on finding the trolley home.  Whoops.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Isaac's Birthday!

We had Isaac's birthday party at Pump it Up over the weekend.  The kids had lots of fun playing.

Isaac wanted his party there so he could sit IN THIS BIRTHDAY CHAIR.  Here he with his dream coming true.

He had a ninjago party. Here he is hugging his best friend goodbye and giving her a green ninja balloon.

He couldn't wait to get home and open presents.

We went out for a birthday dinner to Mexican food.  Isaac loves queso like his mom. I didn't get any pictures of him though, only Maya making her signature eating face.

On Monday in honor of Isaac's birthday we let him choose the park we played at. 

Then he wanted to go spend his birthday gift card to the Disney Store from his Pops and Gram. He and Tahl also had some money from Buby Mary to spend too.  Tahl bought himself Scar.  This kid continues his LOVE for all things villain.

Isaac got Aladdin and Jasmine.

Here he is snuggling everyone before bed.

He slept in Tahl's room because he was worried that Zev would mess up his "ninja hallway."

He was excited to get an awesome new magformer set from his Buby and Buster.

Daddy made him one of his signature birthday number pancakes.

Then I tried to take his picture in front of the birthday door.  I got a lot of silly faces.

And finally a winner.

I don't have any more pictures of Isaac on his birthday because he started Camp Chai! He did love it though, and he said they sang to him and bounced him in a chair five times because he was five. He was very sleepy after his first day of camp. He came home to watch TV,  eat breakfast for dinner at his request, and go to bed early.  

We can't wait to spend the rest of the year with this five year old.  He is silly, smart, loving, and fun.  He make friends where ever he goes, and I know he is going to learn and grow so much this year in kindergarten. I can't wait to watch.  We love you Isaac.