We had a big last week of school!
Mr. B brought the baby to school. It was so nice for the kids to have a chance to meet him and even hold him.
Mr. B even wrote in Tahl's yearbook.
Zev taught his class a lesson about origami.
Here are the two big boys on the last day of school!
Isaac's class had an end of the year party, and they had cupcakes to celebrate all of the summer birthday kids!
Here is Zev on his last day.
He made this creation in his pull out class. This is pretty impressive.
Isaac had pre-k graduation!
He did some great singing.
He may be the cutest graduate you've ever seen.
This was the best family photo we could get. I'm not sure what Maya is looking at though.
The rest looked more like this.
Speaking of silly pictures, Isaac and his best friend Josie also took a few.
Isaac had a great year, and we are so excited for him to be graduating and going to school with the big boys!
We can't wait for summer!