Friday, May 31, 2019

Last week of school

We had a big last week of school!

Mr. B brought the baby to school. It was so nice for the kids to have a chance to meet him and even hold him. 

Mr. B even wrote in Tahl's yearbook.

Zev taught his class a lesson about origami.

Here are the two big boys on the last day of school!

Isaac's class had an end of the year party, and they had cupcakes to celebrate all of the summer birthday kids!

Here is Zev on his last day.

He made this creation in his pull out class.  This is pretty impressive.

Isaac had pre-k graduation!

He did some great singing.

He may be the cutest graduate you've ever seen.

This was the best family photo we could get.  I'm not sure what Maya is looking at though.

The rest looked more like this.

Speaking of silly pictures, Isaac and his best friend Josie also took a few.

Isaac had a great year, and we are so excited for him to be graduating and going to school with the big boys! 

We can't wait for summer!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

May is Crazy!

Here is Zev on a date with me to Chipolte.

Isaac had a "pep rally" at school where he showed off some of the things he has learned in gym this year.

His class was also the main hosting class at Shabbat for the last week of school.

Maya wouldn't stay with me this time.  She was very interested in the music.

Isaac got to go up front to sing again for summer birthdays.

Then he showed off his sweet dance moves.

After Shabbat, Maya napped and then headed over to Buddy Fun Day at the big boys' school.

Here is Tahl with some of his friends.

Zev's buddy was Trevor. 

That night Tahl had his first sleepover.

They had lots of fun.

And we finally got to start swimming!

Medieval Times

My mom took the boys, Craig, and I on a birthday outing to Medieval Times.  The kids were really excited. Here they are before the show.  We were sorted onto the red team.

They liked watching the horses and cheering for our team.

They cheered VERY loudly.

Here they are very worried for our knight.

Isaac wanted them to get their picture made by the suit of armor next to the bathroom line.

We didn't win, but we had so much fun.  The food was also surprisingly good.

Thank you Mimi for the birthday adventure!