Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Isaac is LOVING his new school. Here he is with Ari's old boss when he came by to blow the shofar for shabbat. 

The teachers are really good about posting lots of pictures of the kids. 

This is Isaac with his new best friend Josie back when he was in mommy and me! Her mom sent it to me. 

Here is Isaac with his upper school buddy. 

Isaac also started outdoor soccer last weekend! It is still really hot, and he likes practice more than games, but we will keep trying. 

Isaac is having a great year so far, and every day he says it was the "best day ever." We love him and his attitude. 

Zev and Tahl

Zev and Tahl started school last week!  

Here is Tahl with his new teacher, Mrs. Bourgeois,  at "Meet the Teacher" night.  He really likes her so far. 

I can't believe that Zev has moved to the bigger building at our school. Even more that he is in the grade I used to teach.  He has grown up so much over the summer too.

Here he is with his new teacher Mrs. Newsom. 

Here we are before the first day! 

Look at this BIG boy! 

Here is Tahl at his desk. Ari walked Zev, and he said they don't do that anymore in the big grades. 

I did get a cute picture of Zev helping me make meatballs though, so it will have to do. 

The big kids loved their first week in second and fourth grade.  I hope the rest of the year goes so well! 


I thought I'd do a little beginning of the year update on each of the kids.  Maya is still busy being dressed up by her brothers.  And, of course, we had to try this outfit on with the glasses.  She is the cutest ever (and laid back enough to put up with us!) 

Here is Maya hanging out in a waiting room. 

Even there she has lots to say.

She smiles all the time. 

 This is what her serious face looks like though. It is still pretty darn cute. 

This is better though because you can see her little dimple. 

Here she is having a little time to stretch out. 

And even a little tummy time. 

She's a strong girl.

She has rolled over three or four times now.  Here she is trying to roll, but she forgot to let go of the blanket. 

Amazingly, she can now be put down awake in a sleep sack.  Ari gets all the credit for figuring this out because I would have kept wrapping her up and rocking her forever. 

I found Isaac one morning putting her pacifier in when she was crying.  This is really more of an Isaac update, but I just had to show that Maya has the best brothers. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Isaac's first day of school

Yesterday was Isaac's first day of Pre-K at his new school!  He is really excited to go to Levine. 

He makes a great cheese face. 

I can't believe Isaac only has one year of preschool left. 

He walked right in with no nerves. 

Because he is THIS guy. He makes us giggle every day. 

He sat right down and got to work.  He told me he only cried one time because drawing a person is hard.  He said he also had so much fun on the playground and made lots of new friends. 

Zev and Tahl were excited to see Isaac's new school. 

They were even more excited to go to the Perot Museum after we dropped him off.

I had promised we could go and skip the "little kid" parts.  They couldn't wait. 

This little kid was still invited though. 

Here we are on the awesome escalator. 

Zev is being eaten by a dinosaur! 

They wanted to pose on the picture spot. 

Then they wanted Maya in their pictures.  Isaac is not the only brother who really loves his little sister. 

Zev needed his own one on one picture with her too. 

Here is Zev doing some fancy break dancing.  You can't see the dinosaur on the screen that copies all of his moves.

We had lots of fun looking at the amazing rocks and minerals we usually skip.  Tahl had so much fun telling me the stories of the queens who would live in each of these "castles."  

Isaac loved school, and we loved our day at the museum (especially racing this dinosaur!)

Saturday, August 4, 2018

3 months!

Our sweet girl is three months old!  Everyone LOVES this girl. 
(Even if she makes spit bubbles...)

This was the smiliest picture we got. 

 She wasn't so sure about my photo shoot plans.

She looks so chubby here.  She is only 12 pounds (which is double her birth weight) but she looks bigger here. 

Pictures make her tired.

 Isaac wanted to get in on the fun. 

This guy really really really loves his sister. 

Here is her three month facebook post. 

Later that day she hung out in the backyard while her brothers were swimming. 

Maya is pretty sure that if she is awake, someone should be entertaining her.  She loves to sit up (with help), bounce, and be sung to.  She does not love to take long naps or be left alone. 

Luckily she has lots of brothers to play with.  She is going to be sad when all the boys go to school!