Saturday, September 30, 2017

Last week of September

Here is Tahl after he made ice cream with his class.  I would love that science lesson. 

Look how cute Isaac is watching brothers at Taekwondo.  He also enjoys standing up and practicing his own moves in the waiting area. 

We went to the zoo last weekend.  We love to see the baby lion even though at six months, we decided she is more of a toddler lion now. 

It was world gorilla day so we got a few silly pictures. 

 Isaac is really into pretending right now. He is always a paw patrol pup, Captain Barnacles, Daniel Tiger, a baby, or in this case, a pirate. 

 Tahl had four teeth pulled out this week! 

It is harder to tell because he already has two permanent teeth growing in those spots, which is why we had to pull them.  He can't wait for the tooth fairy to come! 

 I saved this on my phone because on my Timehop app, a picture of Zev sleeping in bed with all his books when he was two popped up, and I had just happened to take a picture of the way I found Zev in the morning.  No sheets on the bed, all wrapped up in his favorite blanket, next to a box of legos.  He wasn't up in the middle of the night, this is just what seems comfortable to him.  

Here is Tahl having a reading party in his classroom.  He got to bring a stuffed animal and a blanket to read for a party in his room.  He is loving first grade so far.

Here is a picture of Tahl with two friends at the paw pride rally last Friday. I love those missing front teeth. 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

September fun

September has been a very busy month for us so far.  We have been getting back into the swing of school and regular schedules.  We also have new activities this year. Last weekend Zev and Isaac had earned a sleep over together.  When I came in to get them in the morning, this is what I saw.  I thought maybe a rock band had destroyed the room, but it was just Hurricane Zev, as usual. 

After he cleaned up the room, he did some yard work with Ari.  This kid loves to use the weed eater. 

I heard a stool in the kitchen being dragged one morning while I was putting on my makeup. I went in to check out what Isaac was up to, and I found him helping himself to a peach.  He is getting too big for me. 

We went to Arbor Hills Nature Preserve with our friends again one morning last week.  It is nice and shady in this still hot Texas fall. 

Also these boys love to look for sticks, bugs, and animals.  

Zev had used some money that he saved up to order a bunch of Lego Ninjago mini-figures from China. It took them a few weeks to come, and here he is so happy after we set them all up. 

Here is Isaac at soccer practice after his jersey came in. 

He is the cutest ever. 

In Isaac's classroom at school, the teachers have turned their dramatic play area into an airport.  Isaac loves to be the pilot of the airplane. 

Tahl's teacher is also great this year about posting pictures of the kids on Facebook. 

It is so fun to see him enjoying himself in first grade throughout the day. 

Here is some footage of Isaac's first soccer game this weekend. The good news was that he didn't cry and he played almost the whole game.  The bad news was that he mostly thinks that he should run back and forth and throw himself down on the bumpers.  We have lots more games to learn though.  In the mean time, the kids are all so cute to watch out there!

Isaac's Halloween costume arrive a little bit early.  I can hardly get him to take it off. 

Hopefully it will still be in good shape by Halloween because he sure does love being Captain Barnacles.  
This first year in a while that I've failed in talking the boys into being something that goes together.  Oh well, I gave it my best shot. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Labor Day Road Trip!

Ari and I had two free hotel nights that were expiring before the end of the year, so we decided to take the boys on a little Labor Day trip.  We got up early Saturday morning and headed out for Austin.  In Austin we took the kids to the Thinkery to play. Isaac was soaking wet of course. 

Zev even found enough to do and see. 

How cute are these two guys? 

All of the boys loved the water room. 

Zev found an inventive way to try to dry off. 

Isaac was getting soaked AGAIN and loving it. 

Zev and I had a lot of fun mixing and matching our faces together. 

The guys liked this area where you build and shoot different gliders to try to get them through the hoop. 

After we left the museum, we went to an area of town with food trucks to get something to eat.  Then we went to see the bats fly up from under the Congress Street bridge. 

You can see them better in this picture. 

Zev got a hold of my phone and took a few more...

... including this one.

Here are two bats that didn't make it away from us somehow... 

Sunday morning, we showed the boys the campus and took them to breakfast at Kirby Lane.  Then we went on to San Antonio to the Hyatt resort. I told the boys I wanted some pictures, but I didn't ask for these amazing poses. 

This was more what I had in mind. 

We spent the day swimming, floating in the lazy river, and digging in the sand.  That night after a dinner in our hotel room, we went to play on the play ground and have s'mores. 

These boys can't keep their eyes open in a flash, just like dad. 

On Monday we went swimming again for a few hours. 

Zev really really loves to dig. 

He also liked getting buried, but he is NOT a mermaid.  He's a dolphin, just so you know. 

Isaac loved to go down the water slide in Ari and I's lap. 

Ari does a better job at it though! 

Before we drove home, we had to visit the Alamo. Isaac was not very interested, but the bigger boys liked the weapons and the "living history" characters who were giving presentations.