Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tahl's birthday!

Yesterday was Tahl's sixth birthday! I can't believe he is getting so big! 

We decorated his door with balloons in his favorite colors. 

Ari made him some delicious birthday pancakes. 

We went to school, and when he started to get out of the car, I realized he forgot to put on shoes.  He was so surprised he didn't have them on.  We had to go home to get them, and this is a selfie he took while he was waiting on his tardy slip when we got back. 

I made him take a birthday tardy picture in the hallway on the way to his classroom. 

 It's hard to tell, but here he is after school in front of the marquee with his name on it! 

 Zev wanted a picture with Tahl, but T was not being very cooperative.... 

 He had a great day at school, and he requested chicken tortellini with butter and Parmesan for his birthday dinner.  Then we opened presents. He is very excited about this baby leopard from his Mimi. 

She also gave him "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."  We have already read the first chapter. 

 The Richardson family gave him this Lion Guard board game that we all loved playing. 

Before bed he opened another gift from his Pops and Gram. 

He was so excited to finally get his very own nerf gun.  He chose a zombie shooting crossbow. 

For dessert, instead of cake he wanted a birthday drumstick.  He was very happy with his favorite ice cream treat. 

Tahl isn't having a party because we are taking a family trip to San Diego instead. He did have a great day today though, and he loved being the center of attention.  I'm hoping six will be a great year for this guy!  We love you Tahl! 

Tahl's Birthday Questions!

1. What is your favorite color? Pink

2. What is your favorite toy?Nala

3. What is your favorite fruit? Raspberries

4. What is your favorite TV show?Pokemon

5. What is your favorite movie? Lion king still

6. What is your favorite outfit? My octopus shirt

7. What is your favorite game? A game where I'm a wolf with zev and Dragonwood

8. What is your favorite animal?  Lion

9. What is your favorite song? You are my sunshine

10. What is your favorite book?  Harry Potter

11. Who is your best friend? Abraham

12. What is your favorite breakfast food? Pancakes

13. What is your favorite snack? Butter Crackers

14. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Macaroni and cheese or stuffed crust pizza

15. What is your favorite thing to eat for dessert? Peanut m and ms

16. What is your favorite drink? Chocolate milk

17. What food do you not like?Mushrooms

18. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Tortellini with chicken and butter

19. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Playing the Jessie and James Pokémon game

20. What is your favorite holiday? Hanukkah

21. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Nala and Naomi's baby

22. What do you want to be when you grow up?A zookeeper

23.  Who are you going to marry when you grow up? I still don't know

24. Where is your favorite place to go with your family? The zoo

25. What is your favorite thing to learn about in school?  Math

26. What is a time you were brave this year?  The first day of school

27. What is a time you were kind this year? When I let Abraham choose our game at recess

28. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?  
To China so I could see the Huns.... to the San Diego zoo, and I'm going to go there!

29. If you could have any wish, what would it be? 
For me to always have tv and dessert

30. What are you most looking forward to about being 6? 
To do big kidder stuff

Monday, April 10, 2017

Last week...

Isaac's school had a school wide Seder last week.  He was so excited for me to come and celebrate with him. 

Here he is singing.  He was a little nervous with everyone around, but he loves to sing and dance to all of the songs at home. 

Over the weekend we went to Tyler to celebrate Macey's first birthday.  Here is Isaac holding the sweet birthday girl. 

Isaac and his second cousin, Eden, really enjoyed sampling Macey's smash cake. 

Here is a sweet picture of Eden and Macey together earlier that day. 

After the party, Isaac decided that he just had to swim in my dad's pool.  It is still pretty cold in April, so he was the only one brave enough to get in. 

Last, here is a picture of what I realized was written on the top of our family's big giant club house box.  
Watch out before you go inside... Zev has a pretty spooky imagination... 

Friday, April 7, 2017

Playing in the creek...

Last Friday, we had a fun afternoon playing at the park and in the creek.  Here is Isaac on the way to pick up his brothers from school.  He makes me force Dixie to sit in his lap like that.  She is a good sport. 

Zev and Tahl wanted a picture of Tahl at the top of this climbing structure.  He thinks he is the biggest guy ever these days... 

I let the big boys go down to play in the creek without me. 

They had some good brotherly bonding time making trouble down there. 

I took Isaac down to play with them because he really wanted to be a part of it. 

Isaac got pretty far back there with the big guys. He isn't afraid of much. 

Zev did have to help Isaac get his shoes back on though.  These boys got pretty dirty. 

We went on a Pokemon finding walk around the park's trail.  We stopped to take a few pictures on the way. 

Three cute boys. 

Zev really wanted his own picture with a flower on his head.  He's cute, but he's silly... 

We had a fun time at the park, but I definitely had an extra load of laundry from all our playing in the creek.