Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tahl over the past few weeks...

A few weeks ago I went into Tahl's room to tell him his rest time was over, and he had actually gone to sleep! Because it was laundry day, he pulled up the bed's pee pad and went to sleep under it. 

Here is he at school.  His teacher was so proud of how hard he worked to cut out and create his snowman. 

Tahl made an apron and hat from this month's kiwi crate.  Yes, it says "Mercy Watson loves toast." 

Here is his other craft, a cake, from the kit.  He was so excited about it. 

(This is Zev's cake.  He remains the master of symmetry.) 

Here is Tahl playing baker. 

He might be cutest ever. 

Here is the Mercy Watson we drew next to the piece of toast. 

He insisted on wearing the hat and apron out on a walk.  He had a shaky egg in his apron that he used to make music while we were out. 

He also brought a kite that he made to make him fly away to another city. 

Here he is another day. I took this picture, because I want to always remember when he used to have to hold my hand while riding his scooter.  Sweet boy. 

On this day, he let me try on his chef's hat. He said, "You want to wear this mom? It looks perfect on you. Don't rip it with your big head though." I love three year olds... 

Zev's last few weeks...

This is an amazing picture that Zev made at school.  He traced it and then colored it in.  He added the minion in the picture frame all on his own. 

This is Zev's first art project from his new art class. 

Here he is inside a dinosaur foot print at the Fort Worth Science museum. 

He really liked the dinosaur area. 

Here he is shopping in the kids grocery store area. I felt like he was on the old "Supermarket Sweep" show with all those chickens... 

Here he is this week at school! He got an "I'm AWESOME" ribbon for holding the door open for 10 people.  He was so proud. 

Here he is wearing Tahl's Sofia dress. He was very upset that he couldn't find the amulet. 

Here he is painting at school.  

Sweet Mr. Isaac

Ari is sure that this is the ugliest picture Isaac has ever taken.  I think he was just laughing really hard.

This baby on the other hand, is BEAUTIFUL. He was so excited to be sitting up in the cart. 

I found this guy playing with a light saber. 

Isaac is army crawling all over the place, and he is very close to actually crawling. 

Here he is making his silly "food is yummy" face. 

Here is this sweet boy being pushed on the swing by his sweet brother. 

He even got a few tickles. 
These boys love each other... 

Monday, January 12, 2015

7 months!

I know I say this every month, but I really can't believe this baby is SEVEN months old! He is going to be one before I know it.  

I took his picture this afternoon and he was busy chewing on his paci.  That is mostly all he uses it for. 

He got his two new teeth this month, and he seems like he may be getting the top two in soon too. 

He is the sweetest thing.

Simba and Nala wanted to get in the pictures with Isaac. 

Tahl has grown so much since his birthday that this is so short in the arms and legs.  

That can't stop Simba though. 

 I went back to just Isaac, but he wouldn't smile because he gets too worried about when the flash will come.  

When it finally happens, he will laugh and smile, but I just can't get another picture fast enough. 

 He is really starting to grow more hair, but so far it doesn't seem to be curly.  We won't know what to do with a straight haired boy! 

 His eyes have changed some, and they seems to be a dark blue/gray, at least for a while. 

Here is a little bit of a smile. 

I switched to my cell phone to try to get a smile, and it worked.

Isaac loves to roll around and play on the ground. 

He is still not quite sitting yet, but he is doing a little bit of army crawling and pulling himself forward. 

He really loves to chew on anything he can get his hands on, including his own feet.

It is hard to get a picture of a boy who likes to move this much. 

He even decided to he was going to crawl down off the chair. 

I thought I was going to get a picture of him looking at me and smiling. 

Instead I almost got a broken baby.  Whoops. 

When I got him back in his chair, I may have tickled him for a smile or two. 

Isaac LOVES to eat.  He is now eating three jars or servings of Ari's baby food a day. 

He lets us know nice and loud when he is hungry. 

He continues to love his family.  He loves to play with Tahl and Zev, and he especially loves his daddy. Who doesn't though? 

 All we wish is that we could get this guy to sleep though the night... We will keep dreaming for the next month.  We love you anyways Isaac.