We've done a lot of fun things lately. Zev went to a birthday party the day before his where he got to try rock climbing. He really liked it at first.
On his first trip up, he got really high.
He actually got more nervous as the morning went on, but I think he may have actually been getting tired.
He just got a little worried too. His friend Alex, whose birthday it was, actually climbed all the way to the top several times.
Later that day, he got to work with dad on "invention center" like at school. Here they are taking apart a hair dryer.
We haven't started yet, but his next project will be to take apart a radio and cassette player from Ari's office.
He's been very into practicing his magic tricks from his magic set. He even took a few to show the doctor at his five year old check up. This is what he wore for his appointment.
At his check up he was 43.5 inches tall (50th%) and about 43 pounds (around the 50th%). She said he was just an average growing kid. Our doctor was impressed with his drawing he made for her, how he is beginning to understand phonics, and how well he talked with her.
Here he is making the "tallest marble run."
Last week the guys invented a game where the jumped over these bricks.
Here is Zev hopping around to set them back up with a balloon between his legs.
After a while they made the stack taller and pretended they were super heroes busting through walls.
Here is one of Tahl in action.
One day Emily texted me to ask if I knew it was $0.50 corn dog day at Sonic, (and of course I did.) Tahl happened to be eating a Sonic corny dog at that very moment, so I took this picture and sent it back to her. For the record, I asked him to smile, not make this face.
Over the weekend, Ari and I went out of town to New Orleans for a little time away before the baby comes. We ATE and then we ATE some more. This is a picture (the only one we took) of us out at a really delicious dinner. We also got to take a nap and sleep in the next morning.
My mom watched the boys while we were gone, and we can't thank her enough! The boys had a fantastic time. She took them to the movies, for a donut breakfast at the park, and to a birthday party. They had a fantastic time with her, and I'm sure they wish we would leave town again. Each boy got to have a special donut with a ring it, and they each got to pick their own. Zev, of course, picked Darth Vader, and Tahl, of course, picked princesses. I love it. We love these boys, and how they know exactly who they are.
Thanks again Mimi! We love you!