Friday, November 29, 2013

November School pictures

Here is Tahl with his class. 

The week before Thanksgiving, they got to meet Tom the turkey. 

Here is Tahl smiling with him. 

And checking out the turkey.  He was really worried that he didn't hear the turkey gobble. 

That same day, Zev worked really hard to make latkes! 

He peeled the potato and shredded it too. 

He was busy cracking eggs too. 

He was really proud that his teachers let him do it alone. 

He was really concentrating too!

Tahl and I each got to sample one of his latkes.  They were really, really good. 

Zev also went to meet Tom the Turkey. 

He got to pose with him.

I'm not sure why he was making such crazy faces! 

He's really a silly guy. 

He said that the turkey didn't gobble for him either. He wasn't so worried about it though.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

More school

This is me in Tahl's classroom reading Elmer. 

We painted elephants patchwork. 

Here is Zev drawing flowers. 

Class salad day


This was feel a tree day.

How funny are all these blind folded kids? 

 Last week was Zev's turn at Shabbat! 

Here he is giving money for tzedakah.

Look at this hilarious face as his friend lights the candle. 


Not so nervous when it is his turn. 

His face got all scratched up in a bush.

How cute are they saying the prayers?

so sweet

 Holding up the kiddush cup.

I love the yarn yarmulke. 

And last but not least, it's almost time for challah. 
How cute are they?  What a great idea by Zev's teachers. 

Heard Museum

 Today we took Zev, Tahl, and Kade to the Heard Museum. We got to see the dinosaurs alive exhibit. 


Tahl held that map for the entire trip.  

 Zev looked at this dinosaur and said, "Does he have undies in his mouth?"  He told me he didn't know dinosaurs ate fish. 

Just walking in the woods...

It was too sunny for Zev to look up at us. 

 Two cute guys and a scary dinosaur

 They were very concerned that this dinosaur had no legs. 

 He was eating Kade!

 Picking some dinosaur boogers!

Tahl wanted his picture on the dinosaur too. 

 Here's my tiny guy looking at the big dinosaur.  When every dinosaur would roar, Tahl would say, "That roar means tickle me!" Then he would walk away telling the dinosaur, "I can't tickle you now.  I have to leave..."  

The guys had fun digging for dinosaur bones too. 

CREEPY raccoon!

Super cute raccoon

Owl Kade

And my favorite, owl Ari! 

 I think he did not realize he isn't supposed to climb out of the hole... 

Next we went to see the snakes.

 This is Tahl's snake face.

 And his nervous face...
 While we were looking at the snakes, my mom tickled Tahl from behind. He jumped and yelled "No!" while brushing her off.  It was pretty funny. This guy cracks us up where ever we go.